Fox Den


Camera Information

The Fox Den Academy has installed KidsVision's Kiddie Cam Service for our families. The daycare cameras allow you to watch live video of your child learning, playing, and interacting with other children in the center. Use the information below to learn how to get authorization to view the cameras and how the kiddie cam service works.

Password Authorization Login Here

Once your child is enrolled at The Fox Den Academy, you will need to apply for your username and password. You can download and print, the required form here, or pick up a copy of the form at your daycare center. After completing and signing, please return the form to The Fox Den Academy. Once approved, your usernames and passwords will be activated. You can access the online streaming video by clicking below:

The Fox Den Academy Camera Access

Webcam security is KidsVision's number one priority. The service implements 128bit encryption combined with a multi-layer security process to prevent unauthorized access to our daycare cameras. In addition, room level permissions are added to each user, ensuring that users are limited to which cameras they have access to. Essentially, the KidsVision web camera service extends our own open door policy: the same parents and/or guardians that can physically stop in during the day to watch a class are given web camera access to watch their child online. The website access just makes "dropping in" much more convenient.

You can request support for the daycare cameras by calling KidsVision toll free at 1.888.Kids.Vsn (888.543.7876). Submit your online support request form, or email KidsVision at A KidsVision support techncian will respond promptly to any technical support issues you have.